Department of “Physical training and Sport”
In accordance with the order of the branch of the RSU of oil and gas (NRU) named after. IM Gubkin in Tashkent № 126 from 21.05.2013 created an independent department of "Physical training and Sport".
The main tasks of the department are to ensure the educational process on the discipline "Physical Culture" in all areas and specialties, as well as the organization and conduct of research, sport and physical culture and health work.
Teachers of the department take an active part in the republican and international scientific conferences; publish the results of scientific research reflecting the trends in the development of physical culture within the higher school.
An important aspect of the department's activities is sports and mass work. To attract students and employees of the Branch to systematic physical training and sports competitions are held in field athletics, basketball, volleyball, badminton, mini-football, table tennis, arm-wrestling, checkers and chess.
There are organized sports groups for students who have special sport achievements, in order to encourage their level of sportsmanship, improve it and the ability to combine the training process with study. Students attending classes in sports clubs defend the honor of the Branch at interuniversity, city and republican competitions, regularly taking prizes on them.
Participation in sports competitions, classes in sports clubs contribute to the unity of the student team, educate future leaders, form a positive attitude towards physical education and sports.
Structure of the department
Irina Babicheva - candidate of pedagogical sciences, acting associate professor, head of the department "Physical training and sport";
Irina Skulkova - Senior teacher;
Marat Mustaev - teacher of the department "Physical training and sport";
Ruslan Abdurakhmanov - teacher of the department "Physical training and sport";
Dilshodbek Ubaidullaev - senior teacher;
Evgeniy Iskhakbayev - senior teacher/