Strategy for the Branch development for 2019-2025

This Strategy has been developed in compliance with the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 7, 2017 №PD - 4947 “On the Action strategy for the further development of the Republic of Uzbekistan”, Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated September 14, 2016 №LRU - 406 “On the state youth policy”, Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated January 17, 2019 №PD - 5635 “On the State Program for the implementation of the Action Strategy in five priority areas of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021 in the “Year of active investment and social development”, a set of measures for the implementation Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated September 25, 2017 № PP-3287 “On measures to further improve the activities and strengthen the material and technical base of the Branch of Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after I.M. Gubkin in Tashkent”, Resolutions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated 20 April 2017 №PD-2909 “On measures for the further development of the higher education system” dated July 27, 2017 №PR-3151 “On measures to further expand the participation of industries and sectors of the economy in improving the quality of training of specialists with higher education” and is aimed at ensuring the implementation of the main directions of development of the Branch, enhancing its competitiveness in relation to the leading educational and research universities of the oil and gas profile.

The strategy provides for the development of the Branch in a number of 4 key priority areas:

- innovation-based education;

- applied science, integration with production;

- modern control system;

- advanced infrastructure.



Key advantages

Strategic Challenges for the Development of the System of Higher Oil and Gas Education

1. The Branch of Russian State University of Oil and Gas (NRU) named after I.M. Gubkin in is the main supplier of personnel for the enterprises of the oil and gas industry of the Republic, an industry-based university.

1. Low innovation-based activity and, as a result, low commercialization of the results of intellectual activity.

2. Support for scientific, educational and educational initiatives of the Branch by the enterprises of “Uzbekneftegaz” JSC.

2. Development of global social networks and strengthening of their role in all spheres of public life, which implies the active entry of education into the network space and the formation of the digital educational environment of the Branch.

3. Demand for Branch graduates in the labor market.

3. Low interest of young specialists in teaching and, as a result, aging of scientific personnel.

4. Historical traditions of scientific schools with the potential for development.

5. Availability of opportunities for holding events on the basis of the Branch for the implementation of programs of vocational education and professional development.

However, these ADVANTAGES lose their significance without modernizing current educational process, since

the necessity to diversify the economy, the current innovation processes taking place in the country and in the world, including in the oil and gas industry, require a critical rethinking of the current state of oil and gas education and a transition to training a new type of personnel. As world experience illustrates, the competitiveness of countries in the knowledge economy depends not only on material technologies, but also on the state of education, intellectual technologies in education management. In the competition of intellectual technologies, the stakes are no less high than in the competition of industrial production technologies.

       As part of the implementation of the Strategy of the Branch of the leading oil university, projects will be developed and prepared for implementation aimed at improving educational programs, attracting and recruiting talented applicants, enhancing the level and volume of student research activities, attracting and developing key university staff, developing infrastructure and laboratory base, integration of science, education and production.


   The Branch has to overcome the existing barrier between fundamental and applied scientific research, which is extremely relevant in the oil and gas industry, on the one hand, and the trends that have developed at the present stage in higher oil and gas education, on the other hand. Large-scale projects for the development of the oil and gas industry generate a need for a new type of university. The Branch has to overcome the existing barrier between fundamental and applied research, which is extremely relevant in the oil and gas industry, on the one hand, and the trends that have developed at the present stage in higher oil and gas education, on the other hand. Large-scale projects for the development of the oil and gas industry generate a need for a new type of university. In maintaining competitiveness, including at the international level, the objective of the Branch requires non-traditional organizational and content solutions.

The structures of the educational and scientific processes do not fully meet the requirements that have developed in research universities. Leading universities such as Heriot-Watt University (Great Britain), the French Branch of Petroleum (IFP), the University of Stavanger (Norway) have multimillion-dollar endowment funds that allow them to quickly deploy priority scientific research, support educational programs, invite outstanding scientists and world class experts. The branch loses the competition in this area, as it is weakly involved in the export-import of knowledge and educational services. Due to the fact that budgetary and non-budgetary funding of scientific research is commensurate with the funding of the educational process in the Branch, a small part of the teaching staff is engaged in science. Based on the results of the work of the Branch in previous years, a SWOT analysis was made and, based on the identified risks and strengths, a Roadmap for the further development of the Branch was designed.

S - strengths

Leading university of the Republic, producing highly qualified personnel for the oil and gas industry;

Educational license and state accreditation;

Comprehensive support from “Uzbekneftegaz” JSC;

A high level of employment of graduates at the enterprises of “Uzneftegazdobycha” JSC, “Uztransgaz” JSC, “UzLITIneftegaz” JSC, “IGIRNIGM” JSC, “Shurtan GCC” LLC; “Lukoil Operating Company” LLC, “Enter engineering PTE.LTD”, “ERIELL GmbH”.

Modern material and technical base;

Implementation of the system of continuing vocational education;

Active creative activity, involvement of students in the implementation of social projects.

High level of English proficiency among teaching staff and students.

Targeted training of applicants in Kashkadarya region.

W  - weaknesses

Lack of master programs.

The research indicators of teaching staff do not fully comply with the established standards for the effectiveness of universities.

The quality of applicants does not meet the requirements for the quality of training.

Inadequate public awareness of the results of the Branch’s activities.

Lack of training ground.

Low level of international cooperation.

O - opportunities

Demand for graduates in the labor market.

State support for science and innovation.

The interest of the state in the development of oil and gas education.

Attention to higher oil and gas education on the part of international companies: Group companies “ERIELL GmbH”, “Enter engineering PTE.LTD”, LLC “Lukoil Operating Company”

Interest on the part of specialists of enterprises in additional education in order to update the professional competencies of employees.

Т - threats

Competition in the market of educational services (opening of specialties and areas of training, implemented in the Branch, in other universities).

     In reliance upon the foregoing, the Branch challenges the task of ensuring the quality of training of highly qualified specialists, the development of research activities aimed at solving the priority tasks of the development of the republic. In solving these problems, the Branch cannot follow the catching-up path, repeating the strategy and tactics of other educational organizations. At the present stage, the BRANCH faces problems typical of higher education. The uniqueness of the task is that it is required to become one of the leading oil and gas universities, not so much imitating as overcoming the prevailing stereotypes and focusing on the best world practice and the future, implementing effective educational technologies and research and development in demand by the business community.




Vision of the BRANCH for 2025:                         

THE BRANCH OF RUSSIAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF OIL AND GAS (NRU) NAMED AFTER I.M. GUBKIN IN TASHKENT is a modern, comfortable for learning and working bilingual Branch with a close-knit team of highly qualified specialists, providing demanded and high-quality educational and scientific services, using advanced technologies, with a high level of youth self-organization and international activities. The branch is a supplier of highly qualified personnel in demand by leading companies in the oil and gas industry of the Republic and abroad, a prestigious employer that attracts leading personnel from scientific and educational organizations and industry companies, as well as a center of excellence in high-tech research for the oil and gas industry.

Mission of the BRANCH:

Education of a new generation of competent and competitive specialists for the oil and gas industry of the Republic with the account of the advanced international requirements; formation, development and transfer of innovative knowledge and technologies in the oil and gas sector by ensuring the high quality of the educational process, research work and high-tech developments.

Strategic goal of the BRANCH:

Become the flagship of the innovative development of the oil and gas industry based on the unity of the triad “education - science – production”.

Key objectives of the Branch:

  1. Raise the level of educational activities by modernizing the system, attracting talented applicants from the regions of the Republic and abroad, developing a system of pre-university targeted training, updating the portfolio of educational programs, standards and curricula, developing the human resources potential of the teaching staff, widespread introduction of On-line and distance technologies education.
  2. Raise the level and volume of research and applied activities through the development of advanced scientific schools in priority areas of science and technology in the oil and gas industry.
  3. Create an effective educational organization management system, including new management tools and technologies, improve personnel policy.
  4. Develop the educational infrastructure of the Branch by improving the educational and laboratory facilities in accordance with best practices, providing a high level of IT services and access to external electronic educational and educational resources, creating comfortable conditions for accommodating students and teaching staff.

The BRANCH OF RUSSIAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF OIL AND GAS (NRU) NAMED AFTER I.M. GUBKIN IN TASHKENT, transformed as a result of the implementation of these measures, should become the basic multi-purpose cluster of the socio-economic life of the republic, providing education for the sustainable development of the oil and gas industry and performing the following core functions:

  • formation of an efficient system of continuous education “SCHOOL - UNIVERSITY – PRODUCTION”;
  • education and professional development of highly qualified personnel in compliance with the current and future needs of the regional and external labor markets;

-  formation of a research and innovation environment on the basis of the BRANCH, in which representatives of various scientific schools and generations are involved;

- the formation of an educational and moral environment that reflects the goals of the further development of the Republic of Uzbekistan, contributing to the education and socialization of young people as a basic condition for maintaining a harmonious civil society.

The implementation of the Strategy will make a significant contribution to the development of the oil and gas industry of the republic. As a result, the educational activities of the Branch of Russian State University of Oil and Gas (NRU) named after I.M. Gubkin in Tashkent will be innovation-based high quality and competitive. The high quality of education will increase the positive effect of labor productivity growth in the oil and gas sector of the economy of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Graduates who are able to implement effective competencies will be able to successfully compete in the industry labor market.

Thus, the modernization of the scientific and educational sphere of the Branch will lead to an increase in the quality of training specialists for the oil and gas industry of the republic, the competitiveness of the Branch, strengthening the image, stable income growth and improving the welfare of the teaching staff.