Regional Preparation Department of the Russian State University of Oil and Gas (NRU) named after I.M. Gubkin in Kashkadarya region

It is well-known that in Kashkadarya region possesses over 70% of gas and 75% of Uzbekistan oil reserves. Currently the republic ranks 48th out of 101 countries in the world in terms of oil reserves, 19th out of 102 countries in terms of gas reserves, 11th in the world for natural gas production and 10th in terms of consumption.

Assessing this natural potential of the region, even during his election campaign at the meeting with the voters of the Kashkadarya region (Shakhrisabz, November 16, 2016), the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh. Mirziyoyev said: “All of you are well aware that Kashkadarya is a large industrial region. In particular, it has unlimited opportunities in the fuel and energy industry. To fully and efficiently use this potential, in the future, first of all, we need modern-thinking engineers”. 

With the account of the above-mentioned statements, in order to fulfill the assignment of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan as of March 3, 2017 № 02/1-241, regarding the implementation of paragraph 17.3 of the protocol following the results of the eighteenth meeting of the intergovernmental commission on economic cooperation between the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Russian Federation as of February 15, 2017; proposals submitted to the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan on March 14, 2017, letters for № 81-02-874 of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan, a Memorandum of Understanding between Uzbektefegaz JSC and the Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after I. M.Gubkin (RF), signed by the parties during the State visit of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the Russian Federation on April 4-5, 2017, the Order of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan №223, as of April 17, 2017, on the opening of the Regional Preparation Department (RPD) of the Russian State University of Oil and Gas (NIU) named after I.M. Gubkin in Tashkent city in October 2017 to educate students selected by the Company in Kashkadarya city. Starting from the 2018-2019 academic year, a targeted recruitment of graduates of the Kashkadarya RPD started in the Branch of the Russian State University of Oil and Gas (NIU) named after I.M. Gubkin in Tashkent city at the request of the Company and the Khokimiyat of Kashkadarya region.

The key action in solving these problems is the first official state visit to Russia of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh. Mirziyoyev (April 4-5, 2017), where issues of further interstate cooperation of our countries were discussed, and a number of important documents on cooperation were signed. In this regard, the interest in learning Russian language has increased. Being the language of interethnic communication, the language of science and technology, the Russian language is especially in demand for the training of highly qualified personnel. It is believed that it is the time for the Renaissance of the Russian language in Uzbekistan. During the negotiations the heads of state reaffirmed their mutual interest in intensifying contacts in the field of education and science. In pursuance of the signed agreements, on April 12, 2017, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan signed Decree № PP-2885 “On measures to further expand bilateral strategic cooperation and allied relations between the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Russian Federation”.

With the aim of improving the educational process, the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan № PP-2909 “On measures for the further development of higher education” was signed on April 20, 2017, the Program for the Comprehensive Improvement of the System of Higher Education for the Period 2017-2021 was approved, where paragraph 8 tackles the point of “Organization of personnel training for the oil and gas industry in the Kashkadarya region”. The fact that in the process of its development by each higher educational institution of the republic it is necessary to establish partnership relations with the leading specialized foreign scientific and educational institutions of Russia and other countries is particularly important for ensuring the successful implementation of the Program.

Establishing RPD of the RSU of oil and gas in Kashkadarya region

As far as we know that the further development of the Kashkadarya region is facilitated by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan as of 19 January 2017, № 20 “On the program of additional measures for the social and economic development of the territories of the Kashkadarya region and further improvement of the quality of living standards of the population”.

To execute the above-mentioned agreements and decisions, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between Uzbekneftegaz JSC and the Russian State University named after I.M. Gubkin on April 3, 2017, and the plan of measures but for unconditional and timely execution of the clauses of this Memorandum.

In accordance with legal and regulatory documents, and also taking into account the letter of the Russian State University of Oil and Gas (NIU) named after I.M. Gubkin in Tashkent city as of August 3, 2017, №1-01/548 of Uzbekneftegas JSC Decision of the Board № 201 of August 10, 2017 on the measures to open the Regional Preparation Department for the Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after I.M. Gubkin in Kashkadarya region. This decision was aimed at provision of the RPD with educational literature, multimedia equipment and material and technical resources necessary for the organization of the educational process, etc. It should be noted that the financing of organizational arrangements for the organization of RPD activities, formation of the educational and material base, as well as the payment of business trips related to the involvement of specialists from the Russian State University of Oil and Gas (NRU) named after I.M.Gubkin, as well as qualification upgrading and retraining of teachers is carried out at the expense of “Shurtan Gas Chemical Company” LLC. Together with the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the Kashkadarya region, preparation courses on comprehensive study of the Russian language with the involvement of highly qualified teachers of the system of national and specialized secondary professional education.

The first step in the organization of the RPD was a trip of the executive director of the Tashkent branch of the Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after I.M. Gubkin, Associate Professor A.Magrupov to the Karshi Engineering and Economic Institute (KarIEI) on May 20, 2017, where he discussed with the administration the possibility and mechanism of organizing all activities of the RPD at the first scientific and methodological seminar at the Karshi Engineering and Ecology Institute in cooperation with the Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after I.M.Gubkin with the  account of the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Republic Uzbekistan.

With the aim of improving the educational process, the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan № PP-2909 “On measures for the further development of higher education” was signed on April 20, 2017, the Program for the Comprehensive Improvement of the System of Higher Education for the Period 2017-2021 was approved, where paragraph 8 tackles the point of “Organization of personnel training for the oil and gas industry in the Kashkadarya region”. The fact that in the process of its development by each higher educational institution of the republic it is necessary to establish partnership relations with the leading specialized foreign scientific and educational institutions of Russia and other countries is particularly important for ensuring the successful implementation of the Program.

It should be noted that the mechanism of implementation and the form of the submitted document is the elaboration of the creation of an educational structure for the training of personnel together with a profile foreign higher educational institution. The seminar was attended by the rector Associate Professor N. Mahmudov, Vice-rector on activities with professional-educational colleges and academic lyceums Associate Professor Botirov Z., representative of the Kashkadarya Department of Secondary Specialized Education Khidirov F., Associate Professor of the Department of Russian Language and Literature of the KarSU N. Kurasova, senior lecturer of the Department of Uzbek and Russian languages ​​KarIEI Yu. Rakhmanov, senior lecturer L.Khalilov, lecturer A.Ubojenko,as well as teachers of the Lyceum “Nuristan” Ubaydullaev X., Suleymanova L., head of the Russian language department at the Karshi Economic College D. Rakhmatova.

On June 7, 2017 there was held the second scientific and methodological seminar of the Karshi Engineering and Economic Institute attended by the members of the Organizational Committee - the rector of the KarEI Institute N. Mahmudov, the rector of the Karshi State University B. Shoimkulov, the executive director of the Tashkent branch of the Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after I. M.Gubkin A.Magrupov, Vice-rector Z. Botirov, head of the Kashkadarya department of secondary specialized and professional education K.Normukhamedov, the head of the regional administration of the public education of Kashkadarya region P.Kholov, professor of the department “Environmental protection of ecology” Doctor of Technical Sciences Sh. Muradov, senior lecturer of the Uzbek and Russian languages ​​department Y.Rakhmanov, as well as 67 teachers of the Russian language of professional and educational colleges and academic lyceums of the region. The seminar was devoted to the discussion of issues of opening of the RPD under Tashkent branch of the Russian State University in Karshi city in October this year. Moreover, it revealed organizational issues related to the opening of courses for comprehensive study of the Russian language. Lecturers from the higher educational institutions of Karshi have been acquainted with the selection process and the tasks set up for teachers of Russian of educational establishments as well as professional colleges and lyceums.

The issue of dislocation of Russian language courses was discussed and it was mentioned that the number of applicants who applied accounted for 2288 people, on the coordination of selection issues for courses in comprehensive study of the Russian language. Options for selection tests for preparation courses, topics that are reflected in the tests, their number, and evaluation criteria have been presented. Teachers of the Russian language of the region expressed their opinions on the considered issue, discussed the questions of tests, and got the answers to their questions.

At the seminar a working group on the organizational activities was approved. This group consisted of the rector of the KarIEI – Associate Professor, PhD. N. Mahmudov (head of the group), Associate Professor Z.Botirov, vice-rector on activities with colleges and lyceums of the Kashkadarya region – group coordinator, Sh.Muradov - Doctor of Technical Sciences, acting professor - moderator, Yu. Rahmanova - senior lecturer of the “Russian language” department – methodology assistant. In addition, responsible officials of the Kashkadarya branch of public education D.Allayarova, Kashkadarya regional administration of colleges and lyceums Kh. Abdurakhmonov were involved. The seminar was attended by teachers of the Russian language KarIEI, KarGU, secondary schools, lyceums and colleges of the Kashkadarya region. The most qualified teachers of the Russian language were selected with the account of the recommendation of the regional departments and as a result of the professional conversation with the teachers.

The third scientific and methodological seminar of the Karshi Engineering and Economic Institute held on June 8, 2017, was attended by all the members of the organizing committee, the working group and 112 Russian language teachers of secondary public schools of the region, N. Mahmudov informed the participants about the organization of short-term courses of in-depth study of the Russian language with the involvement of highly qualified teachers of the system of national and specialized secondary professional education of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as about the tasks determined in the Order of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan № 223, which had been set up for teachers of Russian language at regional secondary schools.

The Vice-rector Z. Botirov spoke about the issues related to the training of the Russian language, the nominees who submitted the application which number constituted 2288 people coordination of selection issues for the courses of in-depth study of the Russian language. The methodology assistant Yu.Rahmanova acquainted participants with the curriculum on the Russian language developed in accordance with the program of entrance examinations in the Russian language of the Russian State University named after I.M. Gubkin in 2017, qualification tests for the preparation courses and  with the topics that were reflected in the tests, their number, test evaluation criteria.

The fourth scientific and methodological seminar at the Karshi Engineering and Economic Institute was organized on July 1, 2017 and attended by members of the organizing committee, the working group and administration of the Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after I.M. Gubkin, the Vice-Rector on  International Cooperation, Professor A. Maksimenko, Executive Secretary of the Admission Committee, Dean of the Educational and Scientific Center of Pre-University Training, Professor V. Pirojkov, Dean of the Mining and Geological Faculty of the KarIEI M. Rahmatov, Head of the Department of Geology, Prospecting and Exploration of Mineral Resources Z. Sunnatov, Associate Professor of the Department of Technological Machinery and Equipment X. Eshkabilov, Associate Professor of the Department of Russian Language and Literature of the KarSU I.Kurasov, Senior Lecturer L. Khalilova, Teachers of the Russian Language of regional professional educational colleges and secondary public schools.

Together with the teachers of KarIEI and KarSU, the curriculum of the course was developed. This curriculum is designed for 120 academic hours out of which 96 hours are practical classes and 24 hours are independent work. On June 7-8, 2017 meetings were arranged and seminars were held with teachers of colleges and lyceums, secondary schools of the region. The members of the working group participated in these events. During these meetings, extensive explanatory work was carried out, questions of selection tests, the Regulation on testing, timing, schedule and dislocation of test tests were discussed and approved. Testing was held in all districts of the region and Karshi city from 19 to 24 June this year.

Evaluation of the results was carried out according to 100-score system, with a passing score of 55. Each test subject consisted of 20 multiple-choice questions, each of which was evaluated with 5 scores. The questions of tests included basically the material of the school program - sections of vocabulary, phonetics, morphology, syntax. Questions of speech etiquette aimed at logical thinking related to physics and mathematics have been also presented.

On the basis of the Regulations on Preparation Courses of the Branch of the Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after I.M. Gubkin” in Tashkent city as of 2012, Regulations on regional branches of preparation courses of the Branch of the Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after I.M. Gubkin in  Tashkent city, approved by the Scientific Council of the Branch of the Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after I.M. Gubkin in Tashkent city as of October 31, 2008, based on the materials of the entrance exam program on Russian.  Test questions of the interim control of the above-mentioned courses were developed and approved. Totally there were 39 groups with 687 trainees.

The courses of in-depth study of the Russian language at the Karshi Engineering and Economic Institute were carried out in accordance with the curriculum of the Russian language. Before the beginning of the classes at the academic lyceum “Nuristan” at the Karshi Engineering and Economic Institute, the working group held an instructional seminar with the participation of the deputy head of the regional department of secondary special education of the region S.Ravshanov to teachers of the Russian language of secondary schools and secondary special educational institutions of the region. At the seminar there were given methodical recommendations on keeping normative documents, conducting practical classes in the Russian language

Training sessions began on July 3, 2017. According to the Russian language program, after 48 hours of academic classes, from 7 to 12 August 2017 in Karshi and the districts of Kashkadarya region in accordance with the schedule there was carried out an interim control. The administration of the KarIEI and the KarSU (the rector, vice-rectors, deans, heads of the departments) have been sent to control the tests. Out of 687 trainees who passed interim control 342 people received over 55 points (46%). Also, conversations were conducted with the parents of the students who received answers to their questions.

On October 3, 2017 the delegation of the Russian State University of Oil and Gas (NIU) named after I.M. Gubkin visited the Karshi Engineering and Economic Institute for monitoring examinations. The delegation consisted of the executive secretary of the Admission Committee, Professor V. Pirojkov, Deputy Executive Secretary of the Admission Committee, Associate Professor V. Telkova, head of the department of higher mathematics, Professor V. Kalinin, Professor of the Department of Higher Mathematics A. Filippov, Head of the Department of Physics, Professor A. Chernovtsan, Associate Professor of the Department of Physics A. Tsybulnikova, head of the Russian language department, associate professor O. Konstantinova, assistant professor of the Russian language department A. Muravyova. Testing was conducted in three disciplines: Russian physics, mathematics.

The analysis of testing in Russian, physics and mathematics also provides a basis for further work with the students of the district departments of public education and colleges.

The groups of trainees intended to study in the RPD have been formed out of the course listeners who passed through the competition. Due to the fact that a large number of students passed through the competition in some areas, it was decided to organize on-site training: in Karshi, Kitab, Shakhrisabz, Kamashinsky, Guzar, and Mubarek districts.

Address: 180100, Uzbekistan, Kashkadarya region, Karshi city, B. Sherkulov str., house 8.