The department of "Technology of geological and geophysical exploration"
The department is organized by the order of Branch 221-P of 30.09.2009.
"On improving the structure of the Branch", with a view to improving the structure of the Branch, improving the quality of the management of the educational process, ensuring quality cross-cutting control over the implementation of the curricula throughout the training period and the issue of qualified specialists and on the basis of the Scientific Council minutes of September 29, 2009.
The activities of the department are aimed at implementing the strategy of sustainable growth of the national economy and innovative development of the oil and gas complex of Uzbekistan.
The department is equipped with modern equipment, has at its disposal laboratory and demonstration rooms.
Structure of the department
Turabekov Nodirbek Ulugbekovich - the teacher of branch "Technology of geological and geophysical prospecting", head of department;
Khusanov Sultanbay Tukhtaevich - Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Professor;
Tokareva Ksenia Mujakhidovna - teacher;
Mamarozikov Timur Umarzhonovich - teacher.
Teachers of the RGUN (NRU) named after I.M.Gubkin, involved in the educational process of the department:
Lazutkina Natalia Evgenievna - Ph.D. associate professor, deputy. Head of the Department "Geophysical Information Systems";
Gorodnov Andrey Vasilievich - Candidate of Medical Science Associate Professor of the Department "Geophysical Information Systems";
Gorbatyuk Oleg Vasilievich - Ph.D. Associate Professor of the Department "Geophysical Information Systems";
Kovalenko Kazimir Viktorovich - Ph.D. Associate Professor of the Department "Geophysical Information Systems";
Ruban Georgiy Nikolayevich - Ph.D., Professor of the Department "Geophysical Information Systems";
Skopintsev Sergey Petrovich - senior lecturer of the department "Geophysical information systems";
Srebrodolsky Andrey Denisovich - Cand.Sc. Associate Professor of the Department "Geophysical Information Systems";
Srebrodolskaya Maria Andreevna - Assistant of the Department "Geophysical Information Systems";
Ryzhkov Valery Ivanovich - doctor of technical sciences, professor, head. Department of Exploration Geophysics and Computer Systems;
Alexander Belousov - Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of "Exploration Geophysics and Computer Systems";
Shneerson Mikhail Borisovich - Doctor of Technical Sciences. Professor, Department of "Exploration Geophysics and Computer Systems";
Karapetov Grigory Artavazdovich - Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of "Exploration Geophysics and Computer Systems".
Teachers of the department lecture and conduct practical and laboratory classes in the disciplines:
- Introduction to specialty (special 02)
- Introduction to specialty (special 04)
- Fundamentals of Geodesy and Topography
- General and historical geology
- Geology
- Mineralogy and petrography
- Well logging
- Exploration geophysics
- Computer techologies
- Physics of the Earth
- Physics of rocks
- Lithology
- Basics of processing geoinformation (special 04)
- Electromagnetic and acoustic exploration of wells (special 02)
- GIS equipment (special 02)
- The theory of elasticity and propagation of seismic waves (special 04)
- Engineering geophysics (special 04)
- Fundamentals of Geophysics
- Hydrogeology and engineering geology
- Oilfield geology
- Nuclear geophysics and well radiometry (special 02)
- Processing of seismic data (special 04)
- Construction of seismic images (special 04)
- Interpretation of seismic data (special 04)
- Propagation of seismic waves (special 04)
- Geophysical methods of control over the development of oil and gas fields (special 02)
- Modeling in petrophysics (special 02)
- Interpretation of well log data (special.02)
- Interpretation of well logging data (special 04)
- Metrological support of geophysical measuring instruments (special.02)
- Downhole seismic survey (special 04)
- Searches, exploration of oil and gas fields and construction of wells
- Regional Geology
- Structural geology
- Fundamentals of engineering geodesy
- Geology of oil and gas
- Geodynamics and tectonics
- Beam representations in seismic surveys
- Basics of techniques and techniques for conducting GIS
- Technique and technology of seismic exploration (special 04)
- Modeling of geophysical information systems (special 02)
- Petrophysics (special 02)
- The theory of elasticity and propagation of seismic waves (special 04)
- Digital filters (special 04)
- Processing of seismic data (special 04)
- Modeling of geophysical information systems (special 02)
- Construction of seismic images (special 04)
- Interpretation of seismic data (special 04)
- Complex interpretation of geophysical data (special 02)
- Geological and geophysical modeling of oil and gas deposits under development (special 02)
- Brown-blasting and sources of seismic oscillations (special 04)
- Basics of processing geoinformation (special 02)
- Applied hydrodynamics (special 02)
- Petroelastic modeling (special 04)
- Directional measurements in wells (special 02)