Traditional family values in Uzbekistan and modern threats
The family is an unchanging value for a person. The family retains particular significance for society throughout its historical development. However, with the transformation of the social order, approaches to understanding family values are changing.
The current age of global information technologies poses difficult questions for everyone involved in the process of educating the younger generation: how to protect young people from the destructive influence of aggressive propaganda of an immoral lifestyle? How to awaken in him the desire for high and vital ideals?
Realizing the relevance of these and other problems, the Branch continued a series of lectures and seminars on the topic: “Traditional family values in Uzbekistan and modern threats” with the participation of the Doctor of Philosophy in Law, Head of the Department of the Research Institute “Family and Women” of the State Committee for Affairs families and women - Saydivaliyeva Kh.Kh.
The expert spoke in detail about the role of the family in society, legal, socio-psychological criteria, using various interactive trainings and visual presentations.
The family is a unique and irreplaceable value for the people of Uzbekistan, citizens cannot imagine their life without family, love, children, marital and family relations. In public opinion, the family remains the main life value of the citizens of Uzbekistan, the moral foundation of society, the center of spirituality, the custodian of national traditions and customs, and the most important social institution that ensures the upbringing of a worthy generation and the transfer of social experience.
In our country, the issues of strengthening and developing the institution of the family, traditional family values, protecting the health of mother and child, social support for families, stimulating demographic development and improving the welfare of the family, strengthening the educational and educational potential of the family, improving the spiritual and moral atmosphere in families are a priority of the state politicians.
In order to bring the state policy to support families and women in the republic to a new level, to find ways to systematically solve their problems, to effectively organize and coordinate the activities of the competent authorities, the State Committee for the Family and Women was formed on March 1, 2022, the main tasks and activities, and the organizational structure were disclosed , adopted the National Program to increase the activity of women in all spheres of the economic, political and social life of the country for 2022-2026
Threats to family values are highlighted: globalization, information technology, market economy and migration.
The topics discussed aroused a lively and sincere interest among the students, and a wide exchange of views took place. The participants summarized that a young family and harmoniously developed youth should become the basis of all reforms in Uzbekistan, implement innovative ideas, decisions and actions, for which it is necessary to constantly improve their spiritual and moral education and comprehensive development.