A conference dedicated to innovative education was held
A conference was held in the branch of the Russian State Oil and Gas University named after I.M.Gubkin in Tashkent on the topic: "Innovative education is a factor of increasing competitiveness of the country's oil and gas industry".
Scientists and specialists of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, divisions of JSC "Uzbekneftegas", teachers, students and students of branch higher educational institutions, academic lyceums and professional colleges took part in it.
The following publications were presented at the conference by the specialists of JSC "O`ZLITINEFTGAZ":
- Karimova S.B, Ian I.Yu., Sinelnikova N.L "Environmental education is the basis for safe operation of oil and gas facilities";
- Ivonina I.E. "The use of intellectual capital in enterprises
JSC "Uzbekneftegaz";
- Saidakhmedov E.E, Shafiev R.U, Saparov E.P. "Development of alternative fuels and energy efficient machines is the basis for innovative development of the country's economy";
- Kholodov A.N. «Student challange introduction of practical tasks in the process training ".
In general, the conference was presented over 100 reports on various areas of the oil and gas industry.
Within the framework of the event, the training laboratory "Simulator-Simulator of Drilling AMT-231" was opened, which is designed to improve the skills of engineering personnel of drilling departments of oil and gas producing enterprises, as well as to train students in such specialties as drilling wells, development and operation of oil and gas deposits. The simulator in it allows trainees to see the processes hidden in the well from direct observation, to observe the processes of occurrence and development of complications and emergency situations. It enables students to test and compare various solutions for solving technological problems.